Dynamic Horizontal arrangement is showing Error

Hi Kodular Community.
i want to use dynamic components for my order list . Everything is working fine but when i try to add “Dynamic component arrangement” from extension then it always shows error
Please can you help me that where i am doing wrong.

Here is the Block image:

Here is the Error shows


Thanks for the Fast Reply .
I did it but still it’s showing the same error as before.
Even i have now removed the width block but still it’s showing this error by just creating component.

Just this block is causing this issue but why ?

because kodular default dynamic is different from Dynamic extension. You should do the whole thing with either extension or kodular Dynamic component.

The format of get card view by ID is only for kodular dynamic component.


Ahh, now I see it :man_facepalming:

In that case, use this extension for built in dynamic component.

Blocks will look something like this


That could be a workaround!

Thanks for the help @Boban and @WatermelonIce
It’s now working fine without any error.
Thank you So Much :smile:

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