Dynamic Image view

Sorry i can’t understand your blocks becuase they are in another language.What i can adviuce you is to set all your card padding to 0 and set your image height and width to fill parent :wink:

thanks!! i will change that!

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Would it be possible to make a change so we can use horizontal alignment? Ideally scrollable :slight_smile:

You mean arrangement? Yes of course? Just instead of adding a vertical arrangement in the designer, add a horizontal one, also you need to create the card view in the horizontal arrangement.

Yes, I was thinking about arrangement. Thank you for the answer, it’s workink :slight_smile:

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@Mohamed_Tamer kodular built in dynamic image scale picture to fit is not working

You can try the Dynamic components extension :slightly_smiling_face::

What do you want to achieve, if you want to make your card cover the whole card you need to set the image height and width to full parent ( -2 ) and set the padding of the card view to 0.

iam using dynamic component extension in my wallpaper app project there is a problem when i click on any image it takes to another screen with full picture along with download share etc option problem is this that whenever i clicked on any pic in next screen it shows only first picture in list i think there is a problem i have made in start value or get start value can i post aia here plz can u check out what is the issue

You can open a new topic for this problem :wink: