Emoji Reactions?

yes i am out of likes every time.
i just like few posts and then a popup to wait few hours
then :+1: is helpful

@Diego There is a backdoor that allows users to add custom emoji instead of pre-defined ones, I can show how to do that in PM if you want, for example I will react this post with star emoji.

But I think it is not critical as it is not well known, so can be ignored safely maybe.


I’m aware of that already


Please add firebase emoji because firebase is firebase

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Why should I tell you this?

Because we are koders, we have to spread new techniques with each other that will help us

Bru that will help those who are willing to misuse it.

Ok, if you not want to tell me that’s okey, i will find it manually

Why? Just smile :blush:
And @Diego may not like ,if you call him that way

Edit: but wait you can cry with laughing :joy:

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Nice :+1:

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yes but no :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can i pm you

The use of Emoji Reaction is regulated just like there are a certain number of Likes you get in a day.

if now only certain good Emojis are provided to react then why this number limit.

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I see again the button to add emojis reactions but when I click it, nothing happens :upside_down_face:

Oh Yesss…

Maybe Something is Coming


Take it -


It’s coming back :cowboy_hat_face: