Quando vai compilar mostra essa msg “A compilação falhou! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the Compile stage, not because of an error in your program.”
No assistente funciona normal.
aparece isso tambem.
O Makeroid não pode compilar este projeto.
O compilador informou o seguinte erro
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating strings xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________Creating provider_path xml
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 0.614 seconds
________Compiling source files
If it is the full log, your app doesn’t have any errors. Try again with clearing cache, reloading. I have only seen this error sometimes when there was nothing wrong in my app.
When will compile show this msg “Compilation failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the Compile stage, not because of an error in your program. ”
In the wizard works normal.
that appears too.
Makeroid cannot compile this project.
The compiler reported the following error
What I Do?
Makeroid cannot compile this project.
The compiler reported the following error:
________Checking dangerous extensions
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating strings xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 1.154 seconds
________Compiling source files
Error occurred after attaching app inventor extensions and using blocks, when using the wizard gave an error and the logo returned as extensions and blocks.
I don’t know if you can also be an example of me creating a submenu on the first screen and creating another submenu and another screen.