I know what the directory does and I know too that it does not require the permission check
But its a lot of work to add some extra code everywhere where it CAN but must not posible.
I’ll take a look for that.
But I can not say anything else.
If you want to help me with this then you can add here in this topic a list with all components which needs this check.
Thanks again for your response. Only the Player and ExoPlayer component. Everything else can be done with extensions. Most important is ExoPlayer. The only drawback with ExoPlayer is that it does not have an ExoPlayer.Completed event. But I have a solution for that.
Our default “Player” will be replaced complete by “ExoPlayer” in the future since “ExoPlayer” is much faster and better.
Means… If I add the check then only for the “ExoPlayer” component.
Great! Also without write permission?
(I need to download files (zip-file and unzip it) first to the app-specific dir, so I need also write perm.)
Thanks, I know that I have to set minSdkVersion=19
If all of this is available in the next release, that would be really fantastic and would greatly simplify app creation. I will then switch from AI2 to Kodular with all my apps .
Finally, a small overview to the write permisssion and it’s declaration in the Manifest.
Regarding the (runtime) READ / WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions and the Player component, I’ve done intensive testing on more than 10 devices (API>22). These are my results:
As I said earlier the WRITE permission have nothing to do with Player or ExoPlayer component.
Because the players can ONLY read files.
But you are talking about the FILE component which can READ/WRITE files.
That’s why I asked you earlier which components I should edit to allow read/write without permission to app specifc directory.
Means, if you want I can look if I can do it for the file component.
sorry for my confusion and the nonsense I wrote. Of course you are right.
I just wanted to ask that the ExoPlayer does not request READ permission at runtime. And I have, as I said, an extension for saving the audio files into the app-specific folder (Taifun’s File extension), which does not require the WRITE permission for an app-specific folder.
My only concern was that no READ permission would be requested for the ExoPlayer at runtime (as is currently the case with the Player Component, even if audio files are played from an app-specific folder).