[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Just out of curiosity, is version 1.3 = version number 4?

Yep, it is.

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Thanks you boban mayur and of course yusichan for his extension
I did some trial and fixed


Hi, sorry for disturbing you guys, I am new to JSON, just wondering if I did anything wrong here? There’s no error but nothing have shown, and the ID is exist.

    "name": "My Template",
    "metadata-version": 1,
    "author": "(your name)",
    "platforms": [
    "keys": [
    "components": [

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Properties must be defined as properties key instead of property.

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Thank you very much!

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It’s me again, I might found an error (I don’t have an account on github so sorry)

I set a spaceview to 38 but when I get property it is 37?
I do with 35 again, and it return 34.

Can you try with Any Component blocks too?

Thanks Boban for you help, i don’t see the update. I’m use Version: 3 Date Built: 2020-03-10

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Redownload the extension

Thanks again Boban I do that !!

Hmmm… I tried that, but it seems it is a bug from Kodular itself?


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This is the same in App Inventor and probably every builder. I will make an issue for the App Inventor developers.

Good catch.


It should not happen when set from designer.



  • Returns the component’s horizontal width, measured in pixels.
  • @return width in pixels
    public int Width() {
    int zWidth = (int)(getView().getWidth() / container.$form().deviceDensity());
    // System.err.println("AndroidViewComponent: Width() Called, returning " + zWidth);
    return zWidth;

Not sure why the value get’s divided by the deviceDensity().
Can be found at “AndroidViewComponent.java” source code


Please how can I make material icon of button to be centered

I don’t think there is an option for centre: Button - Kodular Docs
But you can set the button typeface to material icon, set text to your icon, and set text alignment to Center

sorry, this maybe a silly question. how can i know the component when button clicked is created with extension?

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Are you also using Kodular’s dynamic component’s ?