[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

If u r using card view for the list, use
When any card view clicked
Then underneath
Get id by component. Drag the get component from the when card view clicked. Then you will get the id of the clicked card view.

No Error but My image is Not Showing On Dynamic Component Extention List View.

@yusufcihan Can you you add a Event When component Created

I think you can use Schema to do it. However, for other, you can just put your blocks after the create block :wink:

Its for schema, I need for Component.

Why don’t you do this? Is there any problem?

I need a event when a Component is Created. Like This :point_down:
which should return the id of created Component.

I hope you Understood What I am Saying.

But if you create multiple component, do you think it can handle that much?

Yes I understood.

Your Question is Valid, But let’s wait for @yusufcihan’s Reply :blush:

@themaayur i think its very simply
As you know our loop runs one by one mean when one component gets created it moves on otherwise it shows error
So by using this u can run a procedure after creating a compenet mean below its create component block
And can get its id by run your logiv to find id if u have am isue then i’ll create a one for u

I know that we can get ID after its created, but I need a Event for created,
For Eg : I want to animate that component when its created.
So we should wait for Yusuf’s reply before doing a discussion.


@themaayur do u want to create this??

I just created it with simple logics
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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Ok i got your point but just check whether this what u wanna create or not?

  • Should i create a guide on how to create an animated list
  • No, No need

0 voters

Example is here

Yes I can add, but I don’t think it would be useful as the extension is synchronous instead of asynchronous. So firstly I need to make the extension to work asynchronously.

Because when you add other blocks below the Create block, they won’t be executed until Create block finishes creating the component.

Yes, this may sound terrible, but synchronous tasks have their own benefits anyway. But I can try to add an optional property to work asynchronously or not.

Here is an image to learn about synchronous and asynchronous.


Yes, I need this.

Yes, It will be better.

Suppose I have set some properties after the create block, then what will happen in that case.

Will the event trigger after the properties have been applied or before ?

Let’s suppose I made this extension work asynchronous and added a when ComponentCreated event, so;

Also, I don’t see any reason to make this extension asynchronously, because components are already created in milliseconds. (Well, a lot of components, means a lot of time) It doesn’t take a lot of time unlike how Web component takes time while sending and receiving data.

Another example with TaifunFile extension


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I think the main reason for @themaayur is he wants to get the ID after he created the component. But I don’t know why he needs that too.