[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

What error did you get ?

I get this error

I believe global CardView is an ID.
Use get component by ID in the component slot.


I thinks so you are giving Id Instead of components.

Hoo thanks, Sometime i get confuse :blush:

I am trying to make a label left in a horzontal arrangement but it is in center check my block

Change the horizontal alignment of horizontal arrangement to left.

I did it already but it’s not working for me please check my block

You have set width of HA to automatic set it to fill parent i.e. -2

As it’s width is automatic it remains is center of the main VA.


Did but now label not visible

Uhh… strange did you checked it instead of -2 maybe you have done it 2.


No maa yur

Did you change on this one


What is the code to set HTML format from property setter?

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As I remember

Hoo thanks, i asked as i cant set it directly from any components

Use set property block.

But this don’t work when dynamic label is created
I’m test this and show error

It should work.

You would like to tell us.

here it is

If I disable SetProperty no error show