[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

I tried it, but I didn’t

Send modified blocks here

You are calling forloop for all items in taglist. You have to break the loop before starting another for loop

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How to do it, help a little

Pm with aia

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How i can use template for create a list :thinking:

Just a small question, which thread would better for preventing ANR? My app can create a varied amount of components ranging from 100+ components to around or more than 1000 components. As a result, Android will sometimes popup the ANR message

I am using dynamic components in my project.
When I click on the cards I created dynamically, I use Any Card View.Click to make some changes. This is what I do works fine on dynamic cards. However, when other card views in the application are clicked, this block becomes active and gives an error.
How can I solve this problem?

Use the IsDynamic block with “if” condition to check if the component has created dynamically.

If you select UI thread, then all components will be created asynchronously, so it doesn’t hang the app when creating a lot of components.


Thank you. It worked.

how to make 3 layout gridview using Dynamic Component

how to make 3layout gridview using Dynamic Component

so I’m not sure if you’re aware, but asking the same question a 2nd time sometimes won’t get people to respond :two_hearts:

How many dynamic components can we use in an application? Would it be a problem to use more than one?

You can use an unlimited number of Dynamic Components instance on the screen, it shouldn’t cause any problem.

I’m talking about adding in this way, I understand right?


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Yes, you can add an unlimited number of Dynamic Components instances.

What have you tried so far?

I already made a guide about it but not using dynamic components extension.