[F/OS] Image Loader - Extension for image loading and caching

good, anyone have problems when using the same URL multiple times in multiple layauts? excellent extension

Hello all,

Can anyone tell me cache path ?

I am using LoadImageAsync: Block

This block saved my image in cache. But when I checked cache path of my app found there is no file. But still when I open app itā€™s fetching chhed image.

Please tell me cache path.


Usually caches are stored in private directory(internal storage) so you canā€™t access them without root.

Kodular new update fenix 1.5.0 then not working image loader extension please provide new extension

You have alternatives available. Glide and Picasso are one of them.
Or you can just recast the extension to make it compatible.

I use mobile phone, I can not recast extension to make.
Please provide me

Itā€™s working in all of my Apps without any errors.

Check this error

Did you check every Extension?
Got that Error too but on a other Extension.

Does anybody solved the issue mentioned in this post

If I set height and width manually picture getting no change
scale picture to fit is not good option for portrait images.

You can use this

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its not working for stretch-fit, crop-fit only working with top and bottom portion is getting cropped off.

Great Extension

hi i want version 5

Can I load http:// link image?(non SSL image)

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Hey, Iā€™ve been using your extension for a very long time and Iā€™m very happy with it but ran into a strange problem. If a photo or picture is very long when stretched, it loses its quality astronomically, I will only mention that if the same photo with the same dimensions is opened from the assets, the quality is at the highest level. Anything you can advise me?

I will add that, for example, Image Utilities also loads this image correctly

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Dear, can you add a block for get cached image via URL which is already cached in device? Pleaseā€¦Pleaseā€¦Please

Thanks in advanced.

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same request here, please :raised_back_of_hand: