[F/OS] Recycler List View Extension Upgrade - Now with Drag&Drop and ScrollBar

Hi Koders!

I’m excited to share a new extension based on the RecyclerView extension by Zain Ul Hassan. I’ve added some new features, including:

  • Drag-and-Drop: Move items within the list by dragging.
    • By long-pressing on an item.
    • By dragging the drag handle (a dedicated element within the list item).
  • Swipe Actions: Swipe list items to trigger custom actions (e.g., delete or edit).
  • Scrollbar: Smooth scrolling with a visible scrollbar.

:bookmark:New blocks
New Events


Triggered when the user starts moving an item.

position: initial position of the dragged item

component_event (1)

Triggered when the user ends moving an item.

startPos: initial position of the dragged item
endPos: the position of the item when the drag was completed

component_event (2)

Triggered when an item in the list is moved.

fromPosition: Specifies the current position of the item that the user is dragging, before the list position change occurs.
toPosition: Specifies the new position of the item that is being dragged, after the next list position change occurs.

component_event (3)

Triggered when item is swiped.

position: position of the swiped item
direction: “left” or “right” swiping

New Functions

blocks (36)
Initialize RecyclerList inside a layout with some new parameters

Important notes:

  • the Drag&Drop mechanism works well with LinearLayoutManager as layoutManager and Vertical orientation.
  • there are three dragMode options: HandlerDragMode, LongPressDragMode and NoDragMode


Get component using its id.

component_method (1)

Display the available methods of the component.

New Properties

blocks (20)

Change element opacity while dragging

blocks (35)

Dynamic Enabling/Disabling of Swipe Functionality

component_set_get (2)

component_set_get (3)

component_set_get (4)

Set dragMode in the block “Initialize”

component_set_get (5)

Special tag for drag&drop handler. It is necessary when you use DragHandlerMode

This is a simple project that renders buttons, labels and drag handlers inside cards. When a button is pressed, the label above the list shows the text of the corresponding label inside the card.

The basic description of working with the extension is given here. But it should be noted that the property DragHandleTag is used to create a component, that will be used as a drag handle. Example of using inside OnCreateView :

Example of using inside OnBindView :

Important note: If you use the drag&drop mechanism, be sure to create unique identifiers for each list element. It is strongly recommended not to use identifiers based on the element’s position.

Project Files

Download Extension


Latest Version



thanks for updating this extension
but i tried to use baserow database in this extension doesn’t work
show problem select list item length of list

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?



The Github URL is not working. You might want to correct it.

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Thank you. Corrected

its working now after using global variable and set this variable to get values after got column from baserow
because i don’t want to use index variable and i need to get all columns at the same time

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glad to hear that everything is working well

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Project Updates. Version 2.0.1

  1. Dynamic Enabling/Disabling of Swipe Functionality
  • Added the ability to enable or disable the swipe functionality for list items at runtime. This allows you to turn swiping on or off as needed without reinitialization.
    blocks (35)
  • Removed the swipe enable/disable option from the initialization block.
  1. Dynamic Control of Transparency During Item Dragging
    Changed an option to enable or disable transparency for list items being dragged. Now, this can also be toggled on or off dynamically during runtime for greater flexibility.
  2. Convenient Method Overview Function
  • Implemented a user-friendly function GetComponentMethods to display the available methods of the component. This makes it easier for developers to explore and utilize the component’s capabilities.
    component_method (1)

Project Updates. Version 2.0.2

The function OnItemSwiped call now occurs after updating the contents of RecyclerList.Data

Hi everyone, I’m using this magnificent extension but I’m encountering a small problem in terms of use and graphics

As you can see from the video when I try to scroll it has a spring effect towards the end which makes it very difficult to go and recover the data at the bottom of the list how can I solve this problem

Sorry for the late reply. I can’t imagine how you got that effect. It’s hard to help without seeing your code.

Sorry for the late reply. These features (ScrollToQuick (item position) or ScrollToSmooth, and GetFirstVisibleItemPosition and GetLastVisibleItemPosition (or something like that)) already exist and were in the original extension, the link to which is given at the very beginning of this post. There you can find detailed description: https://community.kodular.io/t/f-os-recycler-list-view-render-larger-data-sets-efficiently-using-recyclerview-for-appinventor-distros/179434/26
For example

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