[F/OS] Recycler List View - Render larger data sets efficiently using `RecyclerView` for AppInventor & Distros

how can a display values that are only true or false in my google sheet table?

can someone pls help me with this its keep crashing and once the data is load the first imge is disp-laying only pls help
Movies_App_Screen2.ais (64.1 KB)

Uniqe id not working… When click any card view apps shoing runtime error, when connect companion, and click any card view companion closed

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how to dynamic horizontal view in recycler view?

Hi, its a very good extention…
But it would be great if we can get components directly using the unique id…
Like if i have a switch and i want to make a cardview visible to false in the recyclerview how can it be done? Because we can’t get component with unique id…
Please update the extension or if there is some other method please tell…
Thank you…

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Extremely helpful extension!
are animations avalable in this version ?

@Harish_garad Please do everyone a favor and don’t post something like that for all extensions you find…
It is sufficient to click Like… thank you


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getting two errors
1 - findViewByTag must not be null
2 - Component is invalid

and if i copy paste same block in a new project, its working fine without doing any changes

demo.aia (89.6 KB)
please help me

demoo.aia (89.6 KB)


I am using firestore database, I want - if tag value is emply then not create lable or visibility false, if tag value avaliable then create lable and show test value

Greate Work, It’s really amaziong extension, veri easy and simple