Facebook test ads not appearing

Hi, I have created Three apps in which one app is not showing test ads, I tried every known ways to me. fsfsffafsdffs dsfsdsdsaf1

I also contacted facebook they said ads are being displayed, but i can’t able to watch the test ads any one help

try to place “set ads arrange.Visible to true” inside “When Ad loaded” before “Show Ad”

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it is not working…

share the designer property of facebook component

That’s not helpful information. If you want help you have to do some work yourself. In your case provide good information.

Maybe tell about the app. Some app are of such low quality that ad companies don’t like to put ads in them.


My app is actually status saver application
I putted one banner ad
and intertial ad when button clicked

I have implemented the same way i implemented other apps, app is published in playstore, and approved by facebook

do i need to send the aia file to solve my problem

No. Maybe there are simply to many status saver apps. I see a lot of them on this forum. I wonder if users have no more imagination when coming up with ideas.

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i am a begineer help me on this one

what do i have to give you in input in return of help

Ok thanks i have decided to go ad free app

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