FileInfo - get some information about files and folders

First, as I know Kodular IDE is still not working so I am not able to get my code.
Second you can delete a folder by rm -r “/path/to/folder” command. You may have to use Juan Antonios’ shell extension as Kodular’s does not allow " in input.

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Will the download be available again - still getting error - same as reported before… Thank you.

Yes right i am also fecing this problem
He have to solve this problem as soon as possible

I can’t get the extension. I just see a message like this This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

AccessDenied Access Denied DM5R9Y2R1K2T0GER WBdYrYqbx1T1qwTlHjJpDOB9p/h+ACT/Jza+tirg2yz30g+uv+URR2OdYYurORrAB6i6i5aRr58= Note that I have an extension that adds dark mode to all websites but I excluded the download site from dark mode and still the same
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Please fix the download link :sob:
i need this extension.


I need it too, thank you!

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Developer hasn’t been active in the community for almost 2 years and since links do not work I close topic