FileTools : Some tools to work with files

I checked it again on several devices with Android 9 and 10:
It works. The problem with Note8 (Android 9) is now also solved after de-/installing the app.

So it’s working on Android 5, 7, 8.x, 9, 10.

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if i create files in android folder then will it effect my phone?, just asking

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I think no because i was deleted android folder once :grin: but nothing happened

Android folder is for apps to save necessary files which are needed to run app perfectly so I wouldn’t suggest you to write in Android folder unless it it very necessary.

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Is it possible to compare image size after selecting with image picker?

Which size are you talking about here?
File Size or Dimensions?

File size.

Yes, it is possible.
You can use this method:

The problem is that I don’t know file path, it may be different at every time.

I am using image picker, i only get selection after picking.

I want to allow upload image when its size is within 500kb, i tried this but not working…getting -1 value in image size.

Somewhere I have read that selection does not return path.
Try using Image_Picker.Selection path.

How to get selection path? There is no block present about path.



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also use Do it to check what image selection returns

I thought it also returns file selection but it returns file path.

Thanks it worked.

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@vknow360 can you add a function in which users can select specific folder?

Hi @Xoma
The extension is not related to file picking. :sweat_smile:

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Hello, I want to get all folder in the first layer (/storage/emulated/0/), but what should I fill in for get file list directory?


I have a question does that helps me in file picking and it works perfectly so that I can upload the picked file it to google drive or whatever please ?

thank you in advance ?

Let me explain how FilesList method works.

dir- a relative or absolute path of directory from where you want to get file’s list
filter- it will only affect the file list and not the folder list
withFolder- adds folders to list
recursive- gets file’s list recursively i.e. if there is a folder in list then it gets the file list from that folder also and the loop will run until it gets only files in the list

If you want to get the folder’s list then use FolderList method.

and set ‘/’ as dir.

You can probably use the FilesList method for this purpose if you want to show file’s list inside your app and want user to choose from that.

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Oh… Thanks :sweat_smile: I uses the wrong block