FileTools : Some tools to work with files

Post an apk. Also tell how to produce the error.

While creating apk i found that

It works with
file:///storage/emulated/0/my file.pdf

I think yesterday i missed ‘/’ infront of path while adding file://

Still “do it” result while using creator shows 1.1.1970 but works on apk

Thanks for helping

Thanks it works

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I cannot find this block.

that block is there check it again


Yes, that block is there.


The block I am looking for is


1 to 2 mb file is not being copied … from Assets

Yes, use

  • the TaifunFile extension from @Taifun or the
  • File compontent which, however, still mistakenly requests storage permission (this is a bug).


But @Taifun this extension not working in android 11…?

You need to use SAF for android 11


It no longer exists.

Of course, it works (also on Android 11).

This works on all Android versions (Companion & APK):

@vknow360 yes… In a app

Show the blocks.
Also make sure you are using latest version and let me know if aix in the first post is not the latest version.

Look it… :point_down::point_down::point_down:


Are you sure assets’ path starts from /? Because I am not sure about this.

They must start from //.

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Yes… You are giving example… :point_down:

I have tried… Small File size like KB is worked properly, but Big File size approx 1 to 2 mb not working…

So it needs some time to copy files.

Error Massege are coming… :point_down::point_down:

Can’t Copy a directory!