Fill website details using javascript in web view

I want to fill Aadhaar Number and reCaptcha using my own textbox in this webpage through web view please help me out :

@dora_paz could you please help me out?

your site is not opening for me

document.getElementsByClassName(“CLASS NAME”)[0].value = “YOUR TEXT”;
document.getElementsByTagName(“TAG NAME”)[0].value = “YOUR TEXT”;
document.getElementById(“lD”).value = “YOUR TEXT”;

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I will try this right now and get back to you please try to be with me unless I get it solved.

The site should open but I think as the site is related to gov it isn’t opening.

I am getting error when I click submit button it says this field is necessary though it is fill using javascript you said. Please try to log on to the web site I pinned.

I have already tried please you try to log on to via VPN and please try solve my problem.

I can’t access the site through vpn

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Oh god…Thats not expected… See the site looks like this Pic 1

When I right click on the Enter Aadhaar Number and Inspect Element it shows me this Pic 2

Looks like the box has no id but a tag…

Instead of passing values to the fields can I detect WHEN SEND OTP BUTTON is clicked on the web page in the kodular ? Is it possible please help.That would be great for me instead of passing value with JavaScript .

@dora_paz could you help?

hello @Groza or @dora_paz please help me I m stuck since a week…

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