Filter Airtable data shown on cardview based on first column value

Do you want to show the price when you click on the cardview?

To get the SelectionIndex of the product you either use the Number of the foreach or the Cardview Position…


Yeah, when I select the card I want that cards info to show on the labels.

Not sure how to do this, but I’ll play around a bit and give it a try!


Hi @pepocero I actually need to use the first method you mentioned (Number of the foreach), because using the Cardview position wont give me access to ALL the data I need to add to the labels (I think).

I tried all these ways and could not get it to work, the circled red one is the closest I came, it dosn’t show all the rows data like before, but it always show the last rows data on my labels, on every product:

Any tips?


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