Firebase Authentication Error

I have been using firebase Authentication in my application for a long time. There hasn’t been a problem so far. In the last week, I noticed that new user registration could not be made because there was no sms. Before each version update, I backup both aia and apk. When I tested the old versions, I realized that I could not receive sms on them either. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Or did I unknowingly change a different setting? However, I did not make any updates in the Authentication section. As a result of the examination I have made, I can read and write to the Realtime database. I can also create a new user in the Authentication section. But I am stuck because there is no sms in the verification step of the user’s phone number. I need different perspectives on this issue, I would be glad if you could help me.

Note: Google Play SHA-1 certificate fingerprint is attached both in the google service json file in the application and in the firebase project settings.

Why you don’t try it on another device?

  • Maybe problem not from kodular it is from firebase :person_tipping_hand: