Firebase data replacement issue instead of adding

No way… while executing time you must have a active user id… so once user logged in succes, save his user id in tinydb so that you can recover it in screen init…

else try this



surely this will work and you wont get any error. if still getting then check your all of your blocks properly icluding project bucket @mustafa_namer

Oh sorry… When media uploaded, save the url in one variable… Finaly use that variable in when clock timer… I have added 123 in value place but there url variable must come… Instead of url i was tested with variable and it works fine

I did the method you said, but it adds something like this, doesn’t add the link

Is this related to the Query of the topic?

You asked replacement but in picture there is no such evidense? BTW share us what have you tried…

Based on th above blocks Values are added in the fb list

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