Firebase rules 30 days test mode expired

Please please someone help me to fix the firebase rules.

I created firebase project with many buckets. The test rules is valid for 30 days in the new firebase rules. Now it’s show me something like that(in images)
I attached two images. 1) what’s firebase msg me through mail 2) after I try to edit but it’s show me error

I read the kodular docs about firebase security rules and many more pages. But unfortunately I can’t understand the rules properly. Also I search with some search tag but I can’t find same problem.

So please someone guide me to fix the rules with very simple & easy way. Because I’m beginner that’s why I can’t sort out big block logic/coding without any error.

And advance thank you.

“rules”: {
“.read”: “auth.uid !== true”,
“.write”: “auth.uid !== true”

Copy this rules and paste it in your rules.


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