First screen saver

Hi coders!
Another question for you, how you can implement a splash screen when you open the application, there is a good gif file that can handle loading the first screen, but I can’t figure out how to install it, I thought to make it hidden and set a timer for the duration of the animation, and after there is no time for the timer to hide the gif element and display the rest of the information, there are no blocks, since I did not understand the timer, thanks for your answers earlier

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Use lottie animation for animation use timer to hide animation & show other info

I thought so, but did not understand the timer, could you show an example on the blocks?

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Their is a rule of Forum that first you have to try & when you stucked you can ask for blocks… So please try once…

Or you could use those animations inside an arrangement. Blocks will be -
When timer do - Set YourArrangement Visible to False.

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You should learn the basics of Kodular.
I recommend these

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You can also use this extension and a simple banner. You can set duration on the animation block and when animation finishes, open other screen. (no need to use a clock)

Thanks for the options, I’ll try to implement it, but I’ll also need to figure out the clock, as I will need them soon :slightly_smiling_face::wink::sunglasses: