πŸ•Š Floating View: float your component. [FREE] πŸ•Š

:heartpulse: Thank You…

The screen is set with a horizontal screen. The width of the suspended component cannot be filled. Can this be solved?

Can’t write text in texbox. on-screen keyboard does not appear.

Does this extension also work with MIT App Inventor ?

Maybe you could try and let us know what you find.

How can I make the view not to move?

Hello, have the problem of full -screen coverage solved?

can i start it using itoO? and can i make it unmovable?

Please Reply, How to use This FloatingView Aix, Please.

I think, this is not possible, because it is a floating view…
if it would be 100% it is not a floating view anymore…


is it possible to make the floating view still float after the app is killed in recents(swiped away)because i saw other apps all can maintain the floating view even when app killed and floating view still count as foreground

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Hi!! When I place a gif inside a floating card view, it doesn’t move. Help!

Can i call and show Floating view from background using background service extension ?