[Deprecated] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

In my experience, I got good results and immediate support, no problem with firebase and onesignal. highly recommended @JEWEL


I tried this Extension and the following is what i experienced
1.Rewarde Video add did not work for me both in test mode and live

2.Banner ads works perfectly in test mode But in Live did not work

3.Intestitial ads worked well both in Test mode and Live

How can i Solve This?

there is only a paid way,
buy this extension from @JEWEL

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No. use sdk lite than you do not see any error.

When I used a paid admob extension in my apps I see “test” on ads because I added my device as a test device. Somehow with your extension I see normal ads without test expression Are you sure you are not showing your own ads by this extension? just asking

You can Remove your device once and try again. so no policy violation will not occur.

How he shows his own ads, as you’re gonna set the App ID and Ad ID’s on your Kodular Project?

if I remove my device it will make policy violation. Its a precaution for not to click my own ads accidently.
Other issue, I really dont know just wondered if there is a possibility for that just because I can see “test” expression. No offense pls.

@oseamiya please update the SDK version

  • where to find the banner extension?

Please is this still working

Please guide m something about this

To use this ad extension you’ve to be a Premium user.

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="12451000"/>

Remove this line from main extension’s /files/component_build_infos.json file using any Zip software.

An error occurred while running bundletool build-apks on your uploaded App Bundle. Ensure that your App Bundle is valid by running bundletool build-apks locally and try again. Learn more. Error: Found multiple elements for key ‘com.google.android.gms.version’, expected at most on

app not uploading in playstore this error is showing

You need to edit apk .

There is no problem when extracting the apk, but when I want to export the aab file, I get an error.

This extension is now deprecated, you might search for latest alternatives.