[FREE] ChatGPT with all text/voice models, Computer Vision and Dall-e 2 and 3 - Openai API

AIX file is compatible with MIT App Inventor, but AIA file only works on Kodular. You will have to build from scratch in MIT App Inventor based on Kodular.

Thank you for this extension with great features. I am getting the error message above. Can you please guide me ? Many thanks

You need to add API key

It works. Many thanks

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I tried the latest aia file but it gives same error, could not load the bloks. (Kodular)


It may have been due to the new Kodular updates.

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Hello, I get back Error 404 (model gpt-3.5). Please could you assist :slight_smile:


You need to use an API key

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Hi, while using the SendPrompt block I get a respone with a lot of data, how do I only get the response itself without the whole data?


You have to filter using Lists and Dictionaries

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I also have the same problem …publish an extension and AIA that works directly with Kodular in this case

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Submit your output here

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I will create a new AIA file


Does it have continuous chat conversations?

This extension does not yet have conversation memory

Okay thank you

Hello! Sorry for the delay! I am making the source code available so that the extension can receive new updates and improvements from other developers. Check it out on GitHub.

Escape json string when building json data. For me I’ve fixed myself but it will be nice to have on your extension.

I will be happy with your contribution.