[FREE] ChatGPT with all text/voice models, Computer Vision and Dall-e 2 and 3 - Openai API

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Hi, thanks! I got it. It looks like what I was looking for :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I hope so ,
And I I am waiting for your feedback :sparkles:

Hi, do you have a demo.aia? the one in the download can’t load in kodular as a project.
I’m focused in the gpt stream part.

Br Teddy

Try with MIT app inventor the aia file originally for AI2 not kodular

It’s loading perfectly in App Inventor - Thx.

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17. UploadTrainingFile (NEW)

  • Description: Uploads a JSONL file for use in fine-tuning.

  • Parameters:

    • apiKey (Text): Your OpenAI API key.
    • filePath (Text): Path to the JSONL file to upload.
  • Returns: Triggers FileUploaded event with the file ID or ReportError if an error occurs.

  • How it works: This method sends a multipart/form-data HTTP POST request to OpenAI’s API to upload the specified JSONL file for fine-tuning purposes.

18. StartFineTuningJob (NEW)

  • Description: Starts a fine-tuning job using an uploaded JSONL file.

  • Parameters:

    • apiKey (Text): Your OpenAI API key.
    • trainingFileId (Text): The ID of the uploaded JSONL file.
    • model (Text): The base model to fine-tune (e.g., gpt-4o-mini or gpt-3.5-turbo).
    • suffix (Text): Optional suffix to append to the fine-tuned model’s name.
  • Returns: Triggers FineTuningJobStarted event with job details or ReportError if an error occurs.

  • How it works: This method sends an HTTP POST request to OpenAI’s fine-tuning endpoint, creating a fine-tuning job using the provided file and model.