[FREE] Cloudsheets Tools - Google Spreadsheets UI Controller

Hi All,

Today am here to introduce Cloudsheets Tools Extension

This extension is 100 % free to use, you require an API to use this which can be generated from our official website, you get a 3 day free complimentary access to CloudsheetsClassic Extension with that same API and it remains active for your entire life to use in the tools extension.

You can generate the API from our official website by clicking here

What can this extension do :

This extension is designed to edit the User Interface of your Spreadsheet, currently it offers 12 below mentioned UI formatting options :

  • Change Sheet Name / Rename Sheet

  • Delete Column

  • Cell’s Background Colour

  • Cell’s Text Colour

  • Cell’s Text Size

  • Column Background Colour

  • Column Text Colour

  • Column Text Size

  • Row Background Colour

  • Row Text Colour

  • Row Text Size

  • Set Tab Colour

This is an open to contribution extension, if you think that there is an other UI related formatting option possible that the extension lags then please do let me know, ill make every possible attempt to include it.

The docs for this are available at our official website, if needed you can get in touch with me personally. Ill be most happy to help you in using the extension.

I invite every user of this extension to join the official telegram support group where we have a group of people who will be helping you and solving all your queries related to this extension

You can also join the official broadcasting group so that you get are updated with all latest information and version of this extension

Click on the links below to join them :

Official Support Group
Official Broadcasting Channel

For making a complete spreadsheet controller app i will suggest you to use Cloudsheets Classic extension with this, so that you can control the data as well as UI of your Spreadsheet.

You can get in touch with me via telegram at : Telegram: Contact @Clawser

The image of all blocks is attached below :

You can click on the link below to download the extension and get some details about it


Docs for the extension are available here : docs.xyberneo.com
If you need a faster version of this extension then you can get in touch with me personally, it \would be chargable at 12 USD for lifetime. Payments can be done either via PapPal or any local indian payment system such as UPI or Paytm

PS : Its not that i have intensionally reduced the speed of this extension or any such stuff

The reson is that for personal version ill deploy a new PHP script at my server exclusively for you, this will bost the speed as there wont be any trafic on that script since its exclusively for you and also there will be no authentication so we save the time taken for authentication as well.

Last but not the least, a big thankyou to kodular for providing me this platform where i can publish my extensions

For Paid version and Donations you can send the amount at : https://www.paypal.me/Cloudsheet

Thanks a lot for your time, i hope you like my work

Aditya Chaturvedi


Its a great extension, going to use it from today itself was looking for something like this from a long time.

Thanks a lot, this would be a good contribution to the community @aditya_chaturvedi

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Thanks a lot mate, my motive was to help and glad to know you liked it

I wonder how could the speed be increased by 4x (as you mentioned on pricing, on website), since Google sheet is having an inbuilt limit of 500 requests per 100 seconds per project. So, users have to wait in a queue till limit refreshed. Please do correct me if I’m wrong.

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It is really a nice extension which I am looking to work with spread sheet. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Keep koding…
All the best.

Hi friend,

This limit is for those who use google api for sending requests.

I feel proud to say that my service has no such limit as we have our own api system and PHP script, you can send even 20 requests at a single click and all of them will be executed.

Speed will be incresed as a new and personal extension with a new PHP script will be designed so it wont have the usual trafic, this will reduce the speed and there wont be any authentication in that extension, this one has a auth system. So we say that time as well.

Hence i can offered an increased speed of around 3.9x or approx 4 x.


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Thanks a lot, feel free to consult if you get stuck somewhere


Further, google has a standard api format.
You can generate a api from developer console and then compare it the api you get from cloudsheets.

Our api will always start with XNO which means XyberNeo followed by curreent version running for now its cs3 and then there is a string after that, am sorry i cant disclose how its formed for security resons.

Hope this is satisfactory.


Hi All,
Based on the recent feedbacks i have decided to add some more blocks, the following blocks will be added in Version 2 :

Get Cell Background Colour
Get Cell text Colour
Get Cell Text Size
Get Column Background Colour
Get Column text Colour
Get Row Background Colour
Get Row Text Colour
Get Row Text Size

Please let me know if i have still missed any important and essential block.

Version 2 will be released within a week.

Thanks a lot for your immense support towards the extension

Hi all, do checkout our latest update in Cloudsheets Classic, the biggest update in the history of Cloudsheets

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