[FREE] CompCreator- lite version of DynamicComponents extension

i have seen same in other post/community.

use label to display the data.

when any label clicked,
get its col and row
popup a input dialogue, ask user to write the new value.

when input finish
save/update data in the csv
display new data on the label

Why labels ? I would edit the cells in place
is it possible to use HorizontalScrollArrangement ?
How can I automatize colums inserting ?

possible and yes.

Can you update my aia ?
CSV_DCLITE.aia (9.7 KB)

pls explain in detail what you want to achieve? or make one drawing?

  1. show a table from csv file with many colums with horizontal scrolling
  2. edit cells content in place
  3. save chenges to csv file


Thank you very much, I can see the cells but not their content, please check my aia
CSV_1.aia (14.4 KB)

Try using any textbox blocks

it’s always the best to post your code photo here than upload aia file, if the code is not that much.
since others need to download this aia, upload to my project, that takes a long time.

Thank you Dora, it runs, now I can view cells content

@Kevinkun I can view cells content but not update list

CSV_2.aia (14.8 KB)


How do you test? apk?companion?

You might want to test this:

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I tested it with companion

Hi Tim, your aia runs well, I update it for no fit only because my csv have many columns. I can view and update csv. Only one problem, the columns width must be adapted according to the content

I think that the download link is down

try this one