[FREE] Convert Hexadecimal to ASCII

Convert HEX to ASCII

Hello friendos,
So… today I needed convert some Hexadecimal numbers into ASCII and I do not found any solutions on Kodular and to solve this I created a very simple code in Java to convert this. Below a usage example…

Usage example:

Everything you must do is to put your hexadecimal numbers together and it will be converted according to the ASCII table. In my case, I needed this to get a VIN number (hex encrypeted) from a vehicle.

NOTE: This extension does not support spaces between hex numbers, put it all together.

Download LINK:

:sparkling_heart: Any questions or suggestions will be welcomed, tnx community. :sparkling_heart:


Thank you for your contribution
Please follow the naming conventions


Thanks for the guide, I’m going to apply the naming conventions in the next version with other helpful stuff in the extension. :sparkling_heart: