[FREE] Custom List Picker and Choice Picker Extension


Custom List Picker shows different types of list picker dialog to pick a list item with customization of list picker dialog.

It is different from inbuilt list picker component, list picker component shows list items in a new activity/screen with less customization where custom list picker shows a dialog and you can customize its appearance.

This extension provides two separate aix files.

  1. Custom List Picker which shows a customizable list picker dialog.

  2. Choice Picker which shows single choice picker dialog and multi choice picker dialog.

1. Custom List Picker




Custom List Picker Aix V1: com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.aix (18.9 KB)

2. Choice Picker


Single Choice Picker

Multi Choice Picker


Choice Picker Aix V1: com.thekstudio.ChoicePicker.aix (19.1 KB)


Please make a sms reader extension.With filter system


Great was looking for one of these :v:

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Added dialog height property to set custom dialog height. Set 0 for automatic.

Upcoming Feature: Multiple choice list picker dialog!


Thanks for your wonderful extension.


Add Radio Button please…

Thank for your suggestion.



Good and works fine, but we need atleast dark mode or light mode background colour for single or multi list picker as it sets automatically to the device dark or light theme.

Yes, as it uses system dialog so you can not manually set its background color and text color. Its based on app theme colors. Custom color is not supported for single choice and multi choice picker dialog.

Only customizable properties are dialog title, positive/negative button text and cancellable property of dialog.

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thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for

@The_K_Studio can you add a feature to get pre checked like normal checkbox component, so we need not check all boxes again and again after saving the settings.

You mean, when 1st time dialog is shown and user selected few items, when 2nd time dialog is shown then u want to show already picked item as checked?

yes correct, Also when relaunch the app we can also use tiny db to get items prechecked, currently i"m using multiple checkboxes in custom dialog component, so if you add then it will be helpful.

Here you go!

I have added a property Remember Choices when set to true, the extension remembers the previous selected choices and checks them when selecting items again. When set to false, all items will be unchecked every time the dialog is shown.


Download latest aix. Enjoy!

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This works but,

But this doesn’t work if we relaunch the app.

Also make a note that this extension doesn’t work with many Deephost extension and attached the screenshot below.

:star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Issue may be with the deep host extension and not due to re launching the app.

Can you specify exactly which deep host extension is causing this error with my extension.

If i figure out the issue, that may be fixed

this i said that if we check some boxes, it stays checked.
but if we close and reopen the app, then we need to recheck all.

Tried with two or more different extensions(all paid), and get same error. This no issue for me

Show your blocks related to showing multi picker dialog and are you trying in Apk or companion.

Very Great extantion , THANK you very much