[Discontinued] Custom Vimeo - for downloading Video & Thumbnail with quality from website Vimeo By Json

All Blocks

Instructions of extension

blocks (11)

set it to fetch data (video Urls & qualitys)
id = id of vimeo video

blocks (12)

To convert Vimeo Url to id

blocks (13)

json = return video utls & quality like json
Like that


blocks (14)

error = return error
errorFrom = return error Where does the error come from?

blocks (15)

To get Thumbnail of video
id = id of vimeo video
quality = Large , Medium  or Small (Block)
Quality Blocks

blocks (17)

Special Thanks to mr @Anu10 Without him, this extension would not have existed in the first place & thanks for beta test it

Small demo from @Anu10


AIX Download link : DirectLink

To Donate



Another great extension.

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Thanx siir @deanart2012 another :joy: :heart:

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@mahmoud_hooda would have the project aia ?

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this sample demo blocks you can read doc of extension and you will understand all block, I think

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this extension is not working

This “report” does not help the author of the extension to fix anything

What about elaborating a bit? Please provide a screenshot of your blocks and let us know, which result you expect and what you get instead. .

Also which Android version are you using for your tests?


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This extension is now deprecated.