- Description: Returns the manufacturer of the device.
- Block: Retrieves and returns the device manufacturer name.
- Description: Returns the model of the device.
- Block: Retrieves and returns the device model name.
- Description: Returns the Android version running on the device.
- Block: Retrieves and returns the Android version installed on the device.
WriteToFile(String fileName, String text)
- Description: Writes text to a file in the device’s external storage.
- Block: Writes specified text content to a file with the provided file name on the device’s external storage.
ReadFromFile(String fileName)
- Description: Reads text from a file in the device’s external storage.
- Block: Reads text content from a specified file name located in the device’s external storage.
GetRequest(String url, String responseHandler)
- Description: Performs a GET request to a specified URL and handles the response asynchronously.
- Block: Initiates a network request to the specified URL and handles the response data asynchronously.
Download :- io.bbl.devicetools.devicemanager.aix (9.3 KB)