[Free] Device Manager


  • Description: Returns the manufacturer of the device.
  • Block: Retrieves and returns the device manufacturer name.



  • Description: Returns the model of the device.
  • Block: Retrieves and returns the device model name.



  • Description: Returns the Android version running on the device.
  • Block: Retrieves and returns the Android version installed on the device.


WriteToFile(String fileName, String text)

  • Description: Writes text to a file in the device’s external storage.
  • Block: Writes specified text content to a file with the provided file name on the device’s external storage.


ReadFromFile(String fileName)

  • Description: Reads text from a file in the device’s external storage.
  • Block: Reads text content from a specified file name located in the device’s external storage.


GetRequest(String url, String responseHandler)

  • Description: Performs a GET request to a specified URL and handles the response asynchronously.
  • Block: Initiates a network request to the specified URL and handles the response data asynchronously.


Download :- io.bbl.devicetools.devicemanager.aix (9.3 KB)


Methods for writing files, reading files and sending a GET request in a device manager extension? Does this make sense?

Usually we use this definition for external storage Some basics on Android storage system

External Storage
The root directory of the External Storage is:

/storage/emulated/0/  or
file:///mnt/sdcard/ or

Are you using the same definition? And does this method provide the same functionality as the AppendToFIle method from the file component? File - Kodular Docs

Does this method provide the same functiomality as the Get method from the web component?
But how do you get the result? Isn’t there an event missing?


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Yes u are right that there is no need for GET request but I just want to try it as this is my first try to make that and it is working.

& Yes you can use these directories which are mentioned below or you can just import that file in media and you can use it directly

/storage/emulated/0/ or
file:///mnt/sdcard/ or