[FREE] GestureDetect - Recognize Swipe Up/Down/Right/Left and DoubleClick

why my posts are flagged??


because your posts are off topic


Can you show some usage examples to users?


i will add some videos soon

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I doesn’t work with webviewers … only with vertical and horisontal layouts

Am I right? …
because I tried it with webviewers and doesn’t workbut with labels it worked perfect

Is this extension working with VerticalScrollArrangement & HorizontalScrollArrangement?

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No, it won’t work

Can you update it for supporting Scroll Arrangement?

have you tried to add Vertical scroll arrangement in vertical arrangement ?

I want to make a list view with Topbar and bottom bar hide and show system with swipe up and swipe down detect. But need Scroll arrangement support

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It’s not running with Vertical Scroll Arrangement

THis is very helpful but i wish it worked on cards as well



thanks @electrobot_appy

hey @Zexo_Man maybe try putting the card view inside a horizontal arrangement and then detect on horizontal arrangement


It does not work for me. When i swipe nothing happens.

hey @Ruubgaming are you sure you are swiping up or are you swiping down maybe try swiping down

i tried both, also I tried doeing the onclick but that one doesnt wor either.

have you changed layout anywhere else in code?