[FREE] Image List Viewer Extension - A Fully Customizable List View with Title, Subtitle, Image and Checkbox

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Very nice work for this extension, thank you!!

Is it possible in a future update to be able to display images in the companion? Because we don’t know if it works when using images in assets

While testing in companion files from assets can not be accessed however if you specify the full path from companion assets you can still be able to preview images from assets.

Full path for companion assets will be: /storage/emulated/0/android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/assets/test.jpg

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not showing list view after add item in list

First you should initilize the list view. Then you can set list items.

Move the initialize block on screen initialize block.

can i use only titles in list view?

Title, subtitle and image.

here you use titles and subtitles in preview

Yes. Do you have any doubts in it?

Great update :white_check_mark:

having same issue

In this case what about following the corresponding answer?


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I have tried everything but this extension is not

Can anyone give me the working aia file with this extention? Highly thankful

As I can see in your blocks, you are using scroll arrangement which is not supported, you have to use normal vertical arrangement because the list view will have its own scrolling.

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As i click on Label 2, it should return empty list of subtitles but in first list view element it also shows subtitle

You don’t have to use both blocks Add list item and set list, either use one of them. Both does the same work.

Only difference is by using add item you can add item one by one whereas with set list, you can directly set the list of items.

When subtitle or image is set to empty then it will be hidden by default.

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Where is the explanation of the block with AirTable?

Explanation for each block is provided in first post. To use it with Airtable what did you tried so far?

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