[FREE] ImageBlur Extension


My 3rd ImageBlur Extension
Extension Made With Rush.

To Create Image as Blur Effect

Picture of all the blocks


instructions to use extension

blocks use

layout- layout

img - text/ img url sourse.

height - int/ in %.

width - int/ in %.

timeInSec - int Choose your specific time you want to create blur effect in second.

delay - int/ in milli second Exp .05
change the milli second your according,
also you can add 0 to create blur in image without time.

May 9, 2021
Version -1

Download aix io.techhamara.imageblur.aix (8.4 KB)

Also check out My Github and

Demo aia imgBlur.aia (9.6 KB)
Download apk imgBlur.apk (5.2 MB)
Also Very Thanks kodular platform.

Rush to build the Extension in rush.
If this Extension Useful then please like and share.


nice extension


thank you nice extension

nice work!!

@luv.ak.tech thanks


Do an extension for image background blur

it would be interesting if the blur could be applied to other components such as text buttons…

@BC_SOL i’will add in next update.

1 Like

it works well with web image as in your aia,
but not with loaded image:
image is there something special to do ?