@Kevinkun Congratulations. can you add output screen shot is better to presentation.
data loading speed will be same?
Can you elaborate more about this?
By the way nice extension
Great extension.
Hi, this will explain :
If you have more than 100 records (age>20), you will get an offset (not empty) in SelectFinished event, then you can use it for next time select.
Can you added filter with word option.& that extension will be fast more that kodular airtable extension?
Would you pls give more about word option?
the most useful filter for string field is like name=“kevin kun” or FIND(“kevin”,name)>0
Maybe someone can give a try for the speed test.
I am telling about this.that was very helpfull.thank you for creating such a great extension.
Good Job
This extension is awesome thank you so much
This extension also support send text to airtable in language (hindi,urdu,marathi like almost all)
I tested its work perfert
Thanks you for your test and feed back. How about the speed compare to the build-in one?
Good job! Thanks for your contribution.
Say, I want to sort all the list with a particular word…we call it tag/categories in blogging…is it possible?
It would be a great extension if,
- Loading speed is good
- A video demo for all features of the extension (showing how it works)
Can you please provide an aia file
Do you want to get the records with one column containing some special word? use this as filter: FIND(“kevin”,name)>0
For speed, the select and insert shout be fast than update and delete.
demo aia uploaded at end of first post.
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Thanks for your feedback.
This is a small bug: You can not use space in the string value when update or delete
For now please use this to avoid this error:
Maybe fix this bug next release
Does this increase the speed of loading data from airtable ???
no. This use same api with build in component.
1.bug fixed.
In the formula, for value with space pls use " and " to quote them, for example: name to "Melqui Castro Isaza"
2. Add UpdateById and DeleteById method.
3. Add FetchIdAndTime property.