[FREE] New Dynamic Components Extension

DynamicsComponents Extension

Introducing the DynamicsComponents Extension, an innovative tool designed to streamline the creation and management of dynamic components in Android applications using Kodular Creator and MIT App Inventor. This extension offers a range of functionalities for adding dynamic, interactive elements to your apps with ease.

Note: Please ensure your development environment in MIT App Inventor or Kodular Creator is properly set up for optimal use of this extension.


The DynamicsComponents Extension provides numerous features:

  • Dynamic Component Creation: Effortlessly create dynamic components like Buttons, TextBoxes, Images, ImageSliders, Vertical/Horizontal Arrangements, Spaces, Labels, and CardViews.

  • Extensive Customization Options: Customize properties such as text, color, visibility, layout parameters, and more for each component.

  • Layout and Alignment Control: Precisely control the layout and alignment of dynamic components, offering a versatile range of design options.

  • Interactive Elements: Implement event handlers for click and long-click interactions to make components more engaging.

  • Comprehensive Management: Utilize built-in functions for creating, modifying, and removing dynamic components effectively.

Component Methods and Parameters

Each dynamic component type has specific methods and parameters:

  1. Button: Create buttons with customizable text, colors, and actions.
  2. TextBox: Implement text input fields with adjustable properties such as text color, hint text, and input type.
  3. Image: Add images with options to set source, scale type, and dimensions.
  4. ImageSlider: Implement a slider for images with adjustable properties.
  5. Vertical/Horizontal Arrangement: Create layouts with vertical or horizontal orientation, including padding and weight distribution.
  6. Space: Use spaces to create gaps or separations between components.
  7. Label: Add text labels with customizable font, color, and alignment.
  8. CardView: Implement CardViews for elevated, material design-like components with customizable elevation and corner radius.


Explore the range of blocks offered by the DynamicsComponents Extension to enhance your app development:

Download and Support

Download the DynamicsComponents Extension AIX file (Version 1.0 (ProGuard)):
io.dynamiccomponents.aix (50.6 KB)

Your support is crucial. Contribute to its development with a donation here.

Example Project

Discover the DynamicsComponents Extension by downloading the example AIA file:
DynamicComponents.aia (91.2 KB).

Documentation on GitHub:

GitHub - iagolirapasssos/DynamicComponents: Introducing the DynamicsComponents Extension, an innovative tool designed to streamline the creation and management of dynamic components in Android applications using Kodular Creator, Niotron and MIT App Inventor. This extension offers a range of functionalities for adding dynamic, interactive elements to your apps with ease.


For inquiries or support, join us on Telegram.

This extension is not designed to replace any existing extension, but rather to add to the available resources. Stay tuned for more updates! Be happy!


Hello, AIA only has an example of the image slider, I wish there were more examples of other components such as CardView.


Thanks for the sugestion! I’m preparing more examples and more functions.


Thank you for your provision!

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ProGuard obfuscation has been added to the extension.

Documentation on GitHub: GitHub - iagolirapasssos/DynamicComponents: Introducing the DynamicsComponents Extension, an innovative tool designed to streamline the creation and management of dynamic components in Android applications using Kodular Creator, Niotron and MIT App Inventor. This extension offers a range of functionalities for adding dynamic, interactive elements to your apps with ease.


As a developer, have you ever worked with desktop languages? Remember the classes that we can create and reuse in our programs?



So this is not possible to do with the platform’s Android components? I asked someone here on the forum, showed examples of class reusability, etc. But he didn’t understand.

The idea is to expand existing functionalities. I will do it little by little, more as a learning experience.

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My question is not directly that your extension is an offtoppic subject, it’s just a question about another subject.