[Free/OS] Paytm Payment API Based Extension

Can You Test The New Script Which is Updated

New script Link ??

Sorry again 2 min please

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Edited @Pradhumn_Singh please See Now

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Great work
Its now working Fine


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Razorpay Published

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Where is the aix file?

Here I have Clearly Mentioned all necessary files please open the Details


do i have to make account with paytm business.?

Yes It is needed

what is domain url ,where an i get ? i am not pro. coader so need some help

you need to host my script in any free domain registrar or if your domain

pleaase provide script

Please see the post properly please . I have mentioned everything in the post

i an not able to edit my detail in config php file.

Why I have edited it many times where are u facing issue

no its not from your site . when i open config php file it open in notepad and with unusual charactors.lik this

<?php function encrypt_e($input, $ky) { $key = html_entity_decode($ky); $iv = "@@@@&&&&####$$$$"; $data = openssl_encrypt ( $input , "AES-128-CBC" , $key, 0, $iv ); return $data; } function decrypt_e($crypt, $ky) { $key = html_entity_decode($ky); $iv = "@@@@&&&&####$$$$"; $data = openssl_decrypt ( $crypt , "AES-128-CBC" , $key, 0, $iv ); return $data; } function generateSalt_e($length) { $random = ""; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $data = "AbcDE123IJKLMN67QRSTUVWXYZ"; $data .= "aBCdefghijklmn123opq45rs67tuv89wxyz"; $data .= "0FGH45OP89"; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $random .= substr($data, (rand() % (strlen($data))), 1); } return $random; } function checkString_e($value) { if ($value == 'null') $value = ''; return $value; } function getChecksumFromArray($arrayList, $key, $sort=1) { if ($sort != 0) { ksort($arrayList); } $str = getArray2Str($arrayList); $salt = generateSalt_e(4); $finalString = $str . "|" . $salt; $hash = hash("sha256", $finalString); $hashString = $hash . $salt; $checksum = encrypt_e($hashString, $key); return $checksum; } function getChecksumFromString($str, $key) { $salt = generateSalt_e(4); $finalString = $str . "|" . $salt; $hash = hash("sha256", $finalString); $hashString = $hash . $salt; $checksum = encrypt_e($hashString, $key); return $checksum; } function verifychecksum_e($arrayList, $key, $checksumvalue) { $arrayList = removeCheckSumParam($arrayList); ksort($arrayList); $str = getArray2StrForVerify($arrayList); $paytm_hash = decrypt_e($checksumvalue, $key); $salt = substr($paytm_hash, -4); $finalString = $str . "|" . $salt; $website_hash = hash("sha256", $finalString); $website_hash .= $salt; $validFlag = "FALSE"; if ($website_hash == $paytm_hash) { $validFlag = "TRUE"; } else { $validFlag = "FALSE"; } return $validFlag; } function verifychecksum_eFromStr($str, $key, $checksumvalue) { $paytm_hash = decrypt_e($checksumvalue, $key); $salt = substr($paytm_hash, -4); $fi

Why your doing like this @Manish_chonkar . Download the zip provided . It is not closed source BTW

Test Script:- PaytmTestScript.zip (15.4 KB)
Production Script : - PaytmProductionScript (1).zip (6.4 KB)

@Everyone Should I Add more things or this much is enough guide

so u mean i just downlod this zip files and upload them to my web site admin pannel?
pls dont feel angry i am not pro coder so i need to understand this.

yes also change the config.php then upload it