[FREE]PanoramaImageView - Viewing a Image Like a Pro!

Welcome !.

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You will get blessings from whole community. You did a Good Job.


Can you share sample aia… few things happened when I was trying out this extension

  1. how to set orientation? Where to find blocks for the same?
  2. How to give the line bar at the bottom ( like you showed in first landscape image )
  3. Also flickering of image happens. pfa aiapic.aia (1.1 MB)

For Orientation, we have 3
None = -1
Landscape = 0
Portrait = 1

For scroll bar, you can enable scroll bar

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You are always epic @AryanGupta :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Can you share sample aia… there is some image flickering when tried…

It will move the image using gyroscope

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Yes… its also shaking unnecessarily unlike the pic shown… can you share the aia you made … or check the aia i shared …

Very Nice, looks smooth.
What do you fill for Orientation? Text string?
Can it be “both” to get real “reality”?

Thank you. I want to be like you, making something usefull and make it free… but i am not good at java…

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Obviously , Use -1 for both

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Awersome! Then its an integer expected I understand.