[Free] Responsive Text Components Maker

Short Description

This Extension Is Work On Mathematical Functions By Using This Simple Extension You Can Set Your App Fully Responsive It’s Adjust Size According Device Screen, I Have Tested With Different Devices And It’s Works Fine For Me.

Add a picture of all the blocks

There Is Only One Block To Use Just Put Size According To Your Design Will Look Fine In Your Phone

Write instructions to use your extension

Download : com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.aix (5.3 KB)

New Version


component_method (1)

component_method (2)


Downlead : com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.aix (5.5 KB)


Greate extension… Simple blocks but much helpful…


Nice work :+1::+1:
But please follow the naming conventions:


Nice extension love you.

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Nice work! Really…:smirk::sunglasses:

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Thank You @Professional And @Mohamed_Tamer And @ashishthakoor58 And @JAHID All Of You New Version Is Available


Awesome Work @Srrazmi

Nice Try

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Thought I’d share. I was looking for something to make my font size responsive between phone sizes, but also tablets. I found this extension and it took me most of the way there. The text on the tablets was REALLY BIG though, so I did this and it’s perfect.

blocks (11)

This way, I can specify a maximum size for the text when shown on a large screen size like a tablet. I hope this might help someone else.


You Can Also Use New Version So It Will Be Automatically Detect Screen Width And Height According Device And Set It Responsive

Will it solve the problem of oversized text on a tablet vs a phone?

So I tried the new version and still had to place a cap onto each one to limit the size increase on a tablet. It’s not a huge deal, but I thought it might help someone out.


Really It Is Not A Hug Deal But It’s Make Text Responsive At 95% And 5% If Depend On Your Logic And Design So It’s Not Wrong If I Say It’s 100% Responsive Maker

I didn’t say it’s not responsive, It might even be a little too responsive for my design, which is why I added the cap and shared another way to use your extension. I checked the text size being adjusted and on phones your math would be pretty good because the difference in sizes isn’t so dramatic. But, between my phone and my test tablet the size difference was pretty drastic and ended up showing the text on the tablet very large so it was just too big for my design.


What is the problem?


Are you using companion? If yes then which version are you using?

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where is responsive i have used my emulator and phone see difference?

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hello reply please

I am using version 1.4D.1

You can use this extension for making your app really responsive.