Returns a list of all the sub-strings of a string - text of a specific length - length. Example:text = banana | length = 2 returns [ba, an, na, an, na].
I have updated the first post. You can download the updated extension from there.
Changes the case of a string - ‘text’ according to the case given - ‘toCase’.
The valid cases are - upper case, lower case, sentence case, title case and toggle case.
If you enter a wrong case, an error will occur. Example:
text = hello everybody | toCase = upper case returns HELLO EVERYBODY.
text = HELLO EVERYBODY | toCase = lower case returns hello everybody.
text = hello everybody. how are you? | toCase = sentence case returns Hello everybody. How are you?.
text = hello everybody | toCase = title case returns Hello Everybody.
text = hello everybody | toCase = toggle case returns randomly capitalized and lowered string like heLlO EveRyboDY.
I have updated the first post. You can download the updated extension from there.