[Free] Telegram Bot API Extension

Awesome Extension…
This changes all the rules of the game

keep in mind that only files smaller than 50 megabytes can be sent through the BOT API

I use telegram bots for everything …
maintenance of Linux Servers, I check the status of the servers every minute and if there are failures the bot alerts me by telegram. likewise the bot receives orders and executes them on the server side …

for example I order the bot to delete the temporary files, and on the server side there is a webhook that does it, and likewise there are countless applications …

hi :slightly_smiling_face: I’m trying to use the .getUpdates block. I couldn’t find what to add to the “offset” part. app closes when i type 0. Can you help me?

As mentioned in their docs : Telegram Bot API

It’s optional. So, try leaving it empty .

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Thanks for your answer. First of all i like the nick you used because it looks like my friend’s name(zeroxparrow). I don’t know much about telegram bots.
When I use the command in this way, it gives an error.
and likewise when I put “Text_Box3” it gives an error when I leave the text box blank.
When I enter text containing letters into the text box, it gives an error, when I enter numbers or numbers, the application closes. Thank you for the article we sent, but I understood very little neither from the articles there nor from my internet research. All i want to do is show the last message returned in chat in my app

Did you try setting an empty text block? or any number higher than 0.

yes i tried them all. When I leave it blank, it gives an error, the application does not close. The application crashes when entering a value greater than 0. I think the problem is in the extension

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I never saw this extension before. Very nice :clap: :clap:

Can we edit the content of the message we sent earlier?

Can we edit the content of the message we sent to Telegram earlier?


‘Hello World’

‘O world! how are you’

something like this was done but I couldn’t understand it.


    if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") {
    $url = "https://". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    header("Location: $url");


    $content = file_get_contents("php://input");
    $update = json_decode($content, true);
    $chatId = $update["message"]["chat"]["id"];
    $message = $update["message"]["text"];
    // get message_id
    $messageId = $update["message"]["message_id"];
    switch($message) {
                    sendMessage($chatId, "What should I do?");

        // add the 2nd parameter
            editMessageText($chatId, $messageId, "should I add?");


        sendMessage($chatId, "default");

    function sendMessage($chatId, $message) {

What should we do to make it work on in-chat topics?

we can’t get a different chatID. How do we send our messages to topics within the group via bot?

If you want to send in a group, set chatId to the username of the group.

No, I want to send it to the topic within the group, not to the group. If you read the title below, you will understand me better.


Check it here, there is a feature to manage topics via bot.

I’ve looked there before and couldn’t find what I was looking for. It’s just talking about forwarding a message to the group. How to send to channels within the group is not mentioned.

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English is our community language, please translate


Is it possible to share a canvas as a photo?

yes you can
first save the canvas and then share the stored image


Is it possible to send text to the telegram bot so that it is executed as a command (example /start)?
Thanks for your help