[FREE] UUID - generate /retrieve a unique id of your device

Can I get text file from download folder?

is this question related to this extension?

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Uuid not work on android 10.
I am use uuid v2

version 2 is here, it’s target api 30:


Epic work

Epic : )

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V1 work on android 10 with api 29 but v2 not work on android 10 with api 29

where are you using it? kodular or mit?

We use it on kodular.

how you used it? did you give permissions?

Yes give permission - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

It’s working on my phone android 11.

Can you save file on sdcard?

Yes save in sd card.
V2 not working on kodular but v1 working on kodular.
Can you send block image?

then use v1. because v2 is for target api 30

But in v1 which name give to file that when kodular update api 30 then use v2 so unique id no change. I mean which file name you use in v2?

Can you make v1 extension blocks like v2 extension blocks

I tested v2 on kodular, it’s working well.
why not show your blocks?

Where I am wrong

Looks good for me.

In my case not work v2 with kodular api 30

What default file name in v2 because there is no option in block