[FREE] V2 Updated Countdown Timer Extension - An Extension to perform countdown in app

You should compare the time on screen initialise with offline time if it is equal then you must use offline time by clock for countdown timer


Version 3 Block Added

New Block


This block return true if automatic time of the device is enabled
With this block you can check if it is true then you can do the countdown with offline time

Kindly update the extension for best work in your app
Thank you


Nice update.

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Hey buddy
Can you please share the pic of use of new extension .
Its very important to me. Please share ASAP.ITS A REQUEST

Please do not use caps, no need to shout ! Also the developer already provided blocks and test aia in the beginning of this topic


Version 4

Version 4 of this extension contains some new blocks and the extension has updated now fully.

Block Updated


This block has now changed due to @Santhosh request. Now current time parameter has changed , now you dont need to give the current time anymore.


This event raises when all the timezones from the API is fetched.
API is http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/


This block fetches the all timezones as I said above


This block set the current timezone. It is updated now. Now you have to give the whole timezone i.e Asia/Kolkata.


This block define that which type of time you want to use in countdown. Like if you give here Online Time then it will use online time from API in countdown and if you give Offline Time here then it will use local device time for countdown. you can set it through properties.



I have added some timezones in property not all because they are 386 in total :sweat_smile:

How to use

I have recieved three consecutive pms about how to use this extension. This extension is very simple to use but they are facing issue with it. So today I am providing the usage of latest version here.
I hope @Santhosh , @Andy_0310 It will help you.

How to set Timezone

It is very easy to set the timezone for a particular place.
You can set the timezon from property and through blocks as I have mentioned above. If you dont know your timeserver then I have mentioned the API above you can use it. Also you can fetch the timezones and use it in this way


How to set Current Time Type

You can use offline time for countdown but it is hackable so we can use both types of time in countdown. Like when device automatic time is enabled then we will use offline time and when it is disabled then we will use online time from API in countdown. Look blocks


How to use the Countdown

People has a lot of confusion from where I have changed the return type of this block. So it is very easy to use. It return a Lit\st of four items that contains days,hours,minutes,seconds. You have to select them from that list and use it according to your needs. Like I have used it to text in a label first with some modification

Whole Blocks



Updated Files

App:- Countdown.apk (5.4 MB)

Aia:- Countdown.aia (51.2 KB)

Extension link is at the above topic. Download it from there

So I hope now that your all doubts are cleared now with the usage of this extension.
I have worked very hard on this update so please like the extension.
Kindly update the extension for best work in your app
Thank you


Server word time api always down sometime iam not use it

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Thank you so much :heart:


Nice update.


Now it you reduced the new bees headache about the usage of this extension. Good to see with detailed guide


I really liked the extension an idea of mine could add the option for which timer date format it could operate I myself like working with ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssz

not working for me

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Hi @fahim_shahoriar , What the issue you’re facing? Can you tell me as I can’t say anything after just seeing your blocks.

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@iamwsumit nothing is happening after clicking the button

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Hi @fahim_shahoriar , You should call your procedure by Clock Timer event to get the countdown every second. You just called your procedure when you clicked the button and it will return only 0d 0h 0m 0s as the endtime has already crossed. And if you’re not getting any countdown then try to debug the CountdownTimer block by right clicking Do it and post here what’s it returning.

And Online Time was causing a apk crash issue while fetching the countdown. It has not fixed and the extension has updated now. So use the latest version in order to use the online time without any apk crash.

Thank you

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@iamwsumit Same thing is happening. 0d 0h 0m 0s

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This is happening bacause your endTime 29:07:2021:00:00:00 has been passes and no time left that’s why it is returning all zero. You can set the endTime to an upcoming date then check.

ops… I didn’t notice. thank you

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Can you please say the time format for the end time block

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2:

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