[FREE] Voice Recognition extension without Google Dialogue

Hi, can you send me the unupdated add-on version, please, the problem is in the update you made, I guess it doesn’t work in campanion because of the last update, but the apk that I use the old add-on works without any problems.

I can make a detailed video about it if you want.

ScSpeechRecognizerV7.aix (20.0 KB)
ScSpeechRecognizerV8.aix (20 KB)
ScSpeechRecognizerV9.aix (20.1 KB)

still not working

Can you review the video I posted, the first application is the old version, the second application is the new version, but in the new version, google does not work without dialogue, while it works in the old version, my phone android 11, I could not understand 🤦:triumph:

I have already suggested 3 possible solutions before

The last solution is the most optimal

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I have decompiled the apk created with apk studio, added the queries, and compiled again. But it’s not working. Should we do more?
Great extension!

link does not work. How can we manage to change input language? does it auto detect? or do we have to add extralanguage block before getting text?

You must change the Language property before getting text.

Suggests the language to use for recognizing speech. An empty string (the default) will use the system’s default language.
Language is specified using a language tag with an optional region suffix, such as en or es-MX. The set of supported languages will vary by device.
For offline recognition, the required language engine must be installed in the device.

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You mean this block? Right? Its a little bit confusing because its name is “extralanguage”. I downloaded v9_1 and there is only this. No other language option?

Yes. this block


hello, I’m asking for help.
is there a newer version of Voice Recognition extension without Google Dialogue ?

When I enable the continuous recognition and do the getText method, the microphone starts listening but keeps turning on and off. When I have muteDialog disabled, I can hear it making the on noise, then a few seconds of listening, then the off noise. It keeps repeating this process. As a result, when I move it to the background, it stops listening even though I have continuous listening enabled. Is there a solution to this?

Continuous recognition method periodically restarts the recognition service. Therefore, there are short time pauses at the restart.
Unfortunately, the system speech recognition service is not running in the background.

New versions of the extension are not planned yet.
How can I help you?

@ScorpioNormal Thanks for this nice extension!
I was trying to simultaneously use the SoundRecorder but this appears to be not working.

I would really like to record the sound as well. (many people do)
So, sinds here you say that “…the recognition system continuously records the speech into a file…”, is there any way to get access to this file and save it for later playback? Maybe add some extra blocks for that?

Thank you,

the file is written by the Speech Recognition engine. There is no direct access to it, as far as I know.

That’s a pity :roll_eyes:
Wouldn’t it be possible to first record the sound and then feed that to the speech recognition?
Also, is it possible to set the mic level / sensitivity?

I think a Google cloud service can be used to recognize the audio file.

this extension translates Portuguese - Hebrew?

hi there, i was using ScorpiNormal’s extension (voice recogniton without google daialog), is there any way to stop recognition with for example a button like its listening even tho im talking right there cut becouse i need to switch to another recognizer at the button but i cant since this one is running, any help apriciated , is there maybe action i could run that stops it?