Generic Discussion about Kodular Premium

That’s not entirely correct. People are free to post their comments. The trouble arises when the comments are untrue or misleading, derogatory, or otherwise stated in a way that is inconsistent with the community guidelines. Please comment, but be respectful and don’t spam - the latter is an issue as some people seem to think they have the right to keep posting the same thing over and over thus disrupting topics and the forum experience.



But who decides what is true or not?
Is there a “superior” (so to speak “divine” instance) called “Kodular” that decides?


@bodymindpower I’d choose your words sparingly. I’m not speaking on the behalf of anyone or anything, but from experience, you run the risk of being banned for your behavior.

It’s coming to the point now where you’re likely going to begin getting flagged in topics because you’re posting unrelated things. Once that happens, it’s not anyone’s fault, but your own. It’s not worth it. I suggest taking a break from the community for a few days to collect yourself.

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Really? I don’t think so

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Intellectual property of @bodymindpower and Kodular Premium are unrelated, very unrelated.

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@hammerhai Please see this.


Below that post is something unrelated to the topic however, About 5MB asset limit in Kodular Premium - #3 by bodymindpower

Note, however, that I didn’t say “every” reply will be flagged. In fact, my statement only points at unrelated replies.

We should stop discussing this though as it’s going off-topic.


Android Studio


I also think.

The Staff’s decision are final.

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Did I ask you for your advice?
(When, where?)

Who cares. (If you read my posts you wouldn’t spout such nonsense.)

My conduct is as I see fit.

Btw, there is hardly any of my post where you don’t have to add your unqualified and superfluous two cents.


@bodymindpower you are being extremely rude and disrespectful here now (and other topics and threads as well). You have been defending your freedom of speech for a while, and now you are telling others that they cannot give their opinion and well as harassing them. Further comments like this will not be tolerated.
This is your second official warning. The next one will be a temporary suspension. And this will be kept public, as you seem to care a lot about your freedom of speech, but not about others.

In this case, it is totally wrong, even though you may not see like that.


Everyone will just point the finger at you; if they see me standing by you, they’ll probably suspend me as well.


No, I do not do it. I’m just saying my opinion on this.

To what extent? I don’t either.


Btw, it started with my first post on the topic (#67):

And I have nothing to add or change to this post!

Let’s see how freedom of speech actually works here. I’ll remain clear, unequivocal and factual.


@Diego I don’t like the price of 3.5$/month, I know it’s expensive. It’s not an affordable price for many people. It would be good to set different prices for these countries.

what do you think about this i am waiting for your reply


Facebook sdk Update Letest version 6.11 Primium Version ?

actually Kodular is an option to Android Studio

Hi kodular It’s an excellent job I hope our Codular Team rethinks on limits 5 Extension for free projet Because without Extension you can’t create applications by once I create an application is with External Extension only I service in the projects if you limit the Extensions is as if you say not create application On the system Because if someone has an app it is creating Team Kodular does not know this project and what you will need to create this project , A developer who would have a project to create this could happen the project he has to create he will need the Extension he will link to the project, it is the developer who will create all the Extension he will need It can happen he needs 20 or 50 for the project he wants to create if now we limit the number of Extensions it is as if we say don’t create app anymore


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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So, to continue projects, you have to pay.
The limitation to 5 extensions is ridiculous.

What about users who, like me, don’t want in-app ads and will never add them?
For me, a programmer who earns on advertising is just a trickster.
And I can see most of the improvements are ads.

And shouldn’t it be that the paid version has fixed bugs, which are still hundreds in the codular?
And the buggy version will remain free?

As for the extensions. Were it not for their poor number in the codular and their poor performance, there would be no need to add so many extensions. Maybe you should think about it instead of limiting the number of extensions to 5?