Generic Discussion about Kodular Premium

Thank You,

According to Me, this method of commission should be called regressive commission rate because the date your update gets published on Play Store it should mean that you are in compliance of latest kodular update(changes brought in new version such as SDK update or anything). But, you will have to keep paying high commission if users do not update soon.
I had been suggesting that if ads request starting coming from latest update then commission should be kept at minimum level but nothing happened on this.

Only 1 change happened, This update is not mandatory to avoid the Google Ad Manager progressive commission rate. *Last mandatory update was Kodular 1.5.6 Fenix . (Kodular Fenix 🔥🐦 - #9)

This is my one signal data.

App Version 67 is current one before 1.5B update. Around 8K update their app in 17 days.
App Version 58 is 1.4. release on 27 Apr, Even after 2 months around 46% users are still using version less than it. So, commission from these 25K users are more.
There are a lot of users using Kodular Version less than 1.4 i.e 1.3,1.2, commission from them is much more.
I tried my best to request them to update and commission from users before 27 Apr will be much more.
I’m using Play Update component plus constantly reminding users to update via push notification.

Best thing about Regressive Commission Rate
You can’t know about revenue coming from outdated versions. Because there is no way to find out. Kodular launched a feature in My Kodular like 2 Months Ago, it did not work even at time of launch & after two month it is still same.