Get Picture/Image Properties

Hello, i’m making a wallpaper app and i’m trying to figure out if i can get the properties from an image such as:

  • Dimension
  • Width
  • Height
  • Bit depth

I’m loading the images from Airtable (stored into cloudinary).

I’ve tried to insert those properties into Airtable manualy but it’s getting way too time consuming when uploading 30+ images per day.

Thank you for your time! :relaxed:

This extension would be helpful :wink:


Thank you for your suggestion. I’ve tried this extension but the image should be downloaded into the phone in order for the metadata to be fetched.

The only way i found is to use @DevYB image loader to load your wallpaper images:

The images will be automatically save to the cache folder.Now use extract image block, to save the image in the sd card, now you can read the metadata of the image f
without downloading.


That worked perfectly fine! Thank you @Mohamed_Tamer :heart:

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