Give me design challenge

sure… no problem

Hey Whatsup Guys,
Here is my new design.

APK Link:- Side Menu Design.apk (5.2 MB)

Please give rate to my design out of 10.


Need animation it’s not good looking

I know but I am still busy. So, I made only design.

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use this for better animation

i can create any side menu left and right slide

Why not try it out… We would love to see it…

u can create just use float action view and set gravity and use animation

make this ui -

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It’s possible to make…
But image coming from outside to inside is just a video editing :joy::joy:

But will make sample of it​:+1:
Whenever I’ll get time…
Also it’s not possible with animscroll as that extension is mainly for changing behaviour on scrolls…
It’s possible with another extension I’ve not uploaded…